Giving Place is a team of experienced large-scale donors, philanthropy advisors, and technologists committed to making it easier for families to give generously.

Our mission was clear: Find a way to administer charitable gifts that doesn’t suck all the joy out of it.

A an image of the Giving Place lead team with Jeff Grossman (Head of Product and Co-founder) and Paul Lussow (CEO and Co-founder).

Charitable giving brings joy to people everywhere. Unless, of course, you’re one of the people trying to manage it all the hard way. We know. We’ve been there.

After 100+ years of collective experience in and around family philanthropy, a group of us found ourselves continually frustrated that we were still tracking all our gifts in Excel. Every question we asked required hours or days of research and manual aggregation. And many similar large-scale donors we spoke with still stashed receipts in the proverbial “shoebox”, stored gift acknowledgments in their emails, and had no philanthropy support to navigate complex tax and compliance decisions.

As for strategic thinking, who had the time?! 95% of the effort was typically being spent on basic organization and execution, leaving no bandwidth to think beyond operational or managerial tasks.

A theme kept recurring: “The administrative burden sucks the joy out of giving.” Until one day we decided to do something about it.

Giving Place was born.

So began our mission to help donors and their advisors get the greatest satisfaction and achieve the maximum impact from their charitable efforts.

We assembled a team of experienced six-figure-plus donors, family office veterans, advisors, and technologists committed to making it easier for families to be as generous as they want to be — and as effective and impactful as much larger institutions. Then we created a platform that makes it all possible.

What we’ve already discovered is that when you remove the administrative burden and provide transparency, feedback and data to donors and families, we begin to unlock all the creative ways a family giving program can make an even greater impact.

Starting by bringing joy back into the lives of all the people who make it happen.

Giving Place is proudly partnered with:

&Simple company logo.Fox - Family Office Exchange company logo.Link to Family Wealth Alliance Website

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